About Me:
I am precise and analytical with a strong attention to detail, and I often look to blend the lines of creativity and engineering. I currently work at ATA Engineering supporting the design group with an emphasis on attractions for themed entertainment and ground support equipment for aerospace applications.
With a strong passion for the themed entertainment industry, I have geared my education towards attraction design, manufacturing, analysis, and testing. I am a current mechanical engineering graduate student at the University of California, San Diego. I graduated from Drexel University with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Physics.
Co-Op Program:
At Drexel University, each student is required to complete three, six-month internship assignments. This is a great opportunity for students to apply what they have learned in the classroom and provide enough time for students to become an integral part in work/projects.

Industry Involvement:
The Theme Park Engineering and Design Group is an undergraduate organization at Drexel University drawing together all aspects of themed entertainment, with the purpose of providing Drexel undergraduate students and the Philadelphia community with resources and knowledge pertaining to this exciting industry.
Every year, I regularly attend the ASTM-F24 committee meetings and the IAAPA expo. Additionally, I am a student member of the ASTM-F24 G-Force Committee as well as the Loads and Strengths Committee.
Click Below for links to the various organizations!
Here is my previous industry-related co-op experience (Please see my resume for more information):
Oceaneering Entertainment Systems - Mechanical Engineering Intern (Hanover, Maryland)
Universal Parks and Resorts - Universal Creative Engineering Intern (Orlando, Florida)
ATA Engineering Inc - Engineering Assistant (San Diego, California)